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Overview & Complications

Who caused the injury, the implanting surgeon or the mesh manufacturer?

Is there a class action lawsuit filed against the manufacturers of the Transvaginal mesh products?

What is pelvic organ prolapse?

Dr. Thomas Margolis

My impressions of frequently testifying expert witnesses hired by Plaintiffs - their strengths and weaknesses

Failure to warn claims

Learned intermediary doctrine

What you need to prove to win on a product defect theory of liability

Surgical alternatives to treat stress urinary incontinence and/or pelvic organ prolapse

What is the risk/utility test in proving a design defect?

What is the Consumer Expectation test in proving a design defect?

Who has the burden of proving a design defect?

Does Polypropylene mesh shrink?

Dr. Bruce  Rosenzweig

Do the mesh arms of the Prolift rope and curl?

Must a pelvic mesh lawsuit be filed as a mass tort or can it be filed individually?

Settlements and Jury Awards in Pelvic Mesh Cases

How long to litigate a mass tort case?

Can vaginal Estrace or Premarin estrogen topical cream prevent a mesh erosion?

Mass Torts and Multidistrict Litigation

What are Bellwether trials?

Obtaining Jurisdiction over Johnson & Johnson and Ethicon in Philadelphia

Why are Plaintiffs asked during deposition whether their spouse has ever cheated and been unfaithful to them?

Use of Short Form Complaint 

in Mass Tort Pelvic Mesh Litigation 

What Categories of Damages Can I Recover?

What Type of Records Should You Gather for Your Case?

Can Recover Even if Multiple Sources of Pelvic Pain?

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